Monday, February 14, 2011

One-sided acute rash on face

H complains of a blistering rash that affected only one side of his face. It resolved in about a week.

Notice a few things about this rash - it occurs on one specific area, not crossing the midline; the rash appears as separate islands; each island comprises of small blisters (some broken from scratching). This is shingles, or "snake" as what the older generation would say. It is due to the reactivation of the chickenpox virus due to some acute illness (which transiently lowers the body immune system so that the virus takes the opportunity to ''reactivate"), but sometimes it can occur spontaneously. The reactivated virus can run along any nerve root on one side of the body (in this case, it's along the mandibular division of the left trigeminal nerve). The appropriate treatment would be a course of oral anti-viral medication. Now, the skin can also heal without this medication, but the medication helps to hasten recovery! One should also keep the skin clean so as to reduce the chance of a bacterial super-infection. Some older folks can get a bothersome pain on the affected area after healing of the rash; they will need to see a doctor for some special nerve medication to control it...


  1. Can shingles spread? I read on some websites that if spread, the infected person will get chicken pox. Appreciate clarification.Thanks.

    1. The fluid within the bubbles of shingles contains the virus, so if the bubbles burst, the virus can potentially infect another individual through the air, and cause chickenpox.

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  4. I have been diagnosed with HIV/Aids 3 years ago and I've became denial at first for a year but later I accepted it and I'm living with depression i have used different type of antiviral drugs and injections and i still have the virus in side of me and wish for permanent cure so I struggled to keep healthy.and I've been very stressed lately I slept with a guy a month ago without a condom I always protected my self but this time he took the condom out without me noticing I became so scared knowing my status and I can't live with my self knowing that I infected one another person I told him that he should take p.e.p anti virus he said no he is clean there is no need unless I know I'm not clean I was so scared not ready to tell him following day took me to his doctor for me to come he is clean he tested in front of me n I fogged my result sent him someone else's result with my name I regret it and I'm scared don't know how to tell him I'm scared can't live with my self knowing that I did what I did after protecting all the guys I've been with for so long it;s about a day for me to tell him that I'm HIV positive I came across testimony of a lady cured of HIV from Dr James herbal mix, I picked up interest and contacted the same Dr James, told him my problems and he asked me some few questions and then said I should send him money to prepare the powerful herbal medicine for HIV and send to me I did,2 days later he courier the herbal mixed medicine to me through DHL and I received the medicine in 3 days. I drank the medicine morning and night as he prescribed for me for 3 weeks and I was cured, I couldn't believe it that HIV/Aids has a permanent cure and I would be cured of HIV/aids when many said there is no cure for the deadly virus. Dr James powerful herbal mix cured me and I recommended him to my friend Gomez who pulled off his condom and had unprotected sex with me, and he was cured too with the same remedy from Dr James herbal mix
    Thanks to Dr James herbal mix and his powerful herbal exploit. At least his treatment cured me of HIV/AIDS completely. Hopefully it will be helpful for you as it happened with me. Dr. James herbal medicine is made of natural herbs, with no side effects, and easy to drink. If you have the same HIV/AIDS or any type of human illness, including Backache, Back pain, Lower back pain, Herpes, Hepatitis, Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic cancers, bladder cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, Glaucoma., Cataracts, Muscular degeneration, Cardiovascular disease, Autism, Lung disease. Enlarged prostate, Osteoporosis. Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, Lupus, Backache, dementia.kidney cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer and skin cancer.testicular Cancer, LEUKEMIA, VIRUSES, HEPATITIS, INFERTILITY WOMEN / LOTTERY.CONTACT EMAIL : +2348152855846
